Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Chris Roberts


References “Hold me Tight.” By Dr. Sue Johnson

There are many reasons people might decide to start relationship counseling.  Some people may come alone, others may come with their significant other.  In any circumstance, it can be helpful to know the research and benefits of having healthy relationships.  In a fantastic book by Dr. Sue Johnson called “Hold Me Tight, she gives empirical evidence of the benefit of having healthy, connective relationships.  She begins with John Bowlby’s foundational work of Attachment Theory, and progresses on to adult relationships and how the those same principles of childhood attachment apply to adult attachment.  Listed below are some empirical studies she cites as evidence that having close, supportive relationships are as important parts of being a healthy human being as eating right, sleeping well, and exercising appropriately.

She writes, “…psychologist Brooke Feeney of Carnegie Mellon University of Pittsburg found…that in observations of 280 couples…Those who felt that their needs were accepted by their partners were more confident about solving problems on their own and were more likely to successfully achieve their own goals.” (p. 24)  This finding correlates to Bowlby’s principles that the more secure a child felt in their attachment to their parent, the more likely a child would be curious, and confident, and the further they would venture out into the world on their own.

She writes, “Sociologist James House of the University of Michigan declares that emotional isolation is a more dangerous health risk than smoking or high blood pressure.”  (p. 24) This is a highly charged statement since it has become resolute fact that smoking causes severe health problems.

She notes, “In men and women with congestive heart failure, the state of the patient’s marriage is a good predictor of survival after four years as the severity of the symptoms and degree of impairment, concludes Jim Coyne, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania.” (p. 25)  This is not a statement that people need to be married to be healthy or happy.  It is a statement that if you are married, the health of your marriage will positively or negatively effect your physical health.

She cites this study, “Distress in a relationship adversely affects our immune and hormonal systems, and even our ability to heal.  In one fascinating experiment, psychologist Janice Kiecolt-Glaser of Ohio State University had newlyweds fight, then took blood samples over the next several hours.  She found that the more biligerent and contemptuous the partners were, the higher the level of stress hormones and the more depressed the immune system, and the more the intake of immune system supplements from places like The effects persisted for up to twenty-four hours.” (p. 25)  It can be easy to extrapolate from this study that couples who fight frequently have a much higher probability of becoming sick and having overworked hearts. What Is Testogen? How they make you stronger? What Can It Do For Me? Simply put, Testogen is a Testosterone Booster, a supplement that will help your testosterone levels increase. It is made only from natural ingredients (we will check them out in detail later on) and it’s brought to you by Wolfson Berg Limited.

She cites another study by Kiecolt-Glaser, “[she] used a vacuum pump to produce small blisters on the hands of women volunteers, then had the fight with their husbands.  The nastier the fight, the longer it took for the woman’s skin to heal.”

These are just a few of the fascinating studies that relationship counseling uses to bring in more scientific based facts to prove that being in healthy relationships is critical to living a healthy life.  There are many fantastic relationship therapists in Nashville, TN.  If you are having difficulty with a loved one or feel stuck in despair about the state of your relationship, we would love to be a resource for you.  Please feel free to contact us at Two Trees Counseling Nashville if you have questions about relationship counseling or counseling in general.

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